April is here and it’s time to start a new page of my Happiness Journey. For April, I am choosing to read for at least 30 minutes everyday. I know this would not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love to read. The problem with reading, is that I always consider it something that is a reward after all my work is finished. The flaw in that logic is that my work is never completed, so I usually end up only reading when I get in bed at night. At this time of night, I’m so tired I usually make it about 5 minutes before I have to stop reading and go to sleep. So now I plan to choose a time long before bed time to do my 30 minutes (or more) of reading.
While we’re on the topic of the happiness journey, I must confess that I did struggle with March’s daily journalism. What can I say? I’m a work in progress. If you are choosing to do this happiness journey with me, remember it’s not about perfection, but it’s about making a conscience decision to bring more happiness into your life on a daily basis, so that it will continue to bring more of the same.
I also wanted to tell you some good news. I had mentioned that we were going to see Bret Michaels in February. Well, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d get to meet him, but I got to meet him twice that night and take pictures. We also purchased an award that was presented to him commemorating 32 million copies sold world-wide. He not only signed the award, but we have pictures of him signing it. Wow…talk about the law of attraction working in full swing. I have to think all this happiness and positive thinking is working for me.
Another cool thing that’s happened is that we found out we will likely get to go see the motivational speaker, author and life coach, Tony Robbins (for free). We will be attending a 4 day event in Dallas. I have read several of his books. I’ve also always thought it would be cool to attend one of his events and walk on hot coals. Hopefully, I will finally have that opportunity. Again, it’s the law of attraction and positive vibes working in my life.
Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial FreedomUnlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement
In conclusion, please share any thoughts you have about making time to read, or anything else you may choose for your April Happiness Journey. I would love to hear from you!
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